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One of the things about having a website is that you can  shame people who have abused their position to do you harm.  But it's maybe not a good idea. I went a step further in my first book, Scottish Military Disasters and had a go at a former boss at a weekly newspaper chain who suppressed my story about the 8th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders' role in the repatriation of Cossacks who fought for the Germans during the Second World War and their families. I can't remember exactly what she said but it included the word "hysterical". That unfounded aspersion hurt - a lot. A national broadsheet newspaper offered to buy the article in  question unaltered  but it didn't seem right to sell them something written on my employer's  time. But i could put their feature  writer in touch with the people I'd spoken to. Anyway, that's how "hysterical" a piece of work it was.  But somehow the dig at the woman still seems mean spirited and more than a little petty. I should have been better than that. 


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