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I heard the German Goverment's English Language radio station Deutsche Weller telling the world that the British invented concentration camps. Couple of problems with that. Firstly, the British did not invent concentration camps: they stole the idea during the 1899-1902 South African War from the Spanish who were using them in Cuba as part of an counter insurgency campaign. And what else were the Indian reservations in the United States if not concentration camps, which the numerous Americans at Deutsche Welle should have known. Secondly, the Germans should be very careful when they mention  Concentration Camps point to ensure they point out that they are not the same thing as the deliberate murder facilities they created during the Second World War. The British Empire was responsible for many terrible deeds but inventing concentration camps is not one of them. Maybe that's why I wasn't surprised when minutes later in the same broadcast to hear that Glasgow is in the Scottish Highlands. Was this something Hitler planned to arrange following a successful invasion of the UK? 


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